Saturday 31 March 2018


Another most enamoring novel is MUSHAF written by respected Nemra Ahmed.
It was my first novel that I read, of this category!
And as I read it, I got amazed and have a very nice expeirence.
Mushaf is said to the Holy Quran.
In this novel, a girl named Mehmil Ibrahim has lost her father and living with his uncle's family. Her character seems as an ordinary girl initially, studying and working for her mother and herself, unaware of the real appraise of Holy Quran.

There is a lot of family issues and she suffers family politics and disregards, and she hail towards understanding the Holy Quran due to these troubles and difficulties after some time.
                                     As every good and positive moments and steps takes some time to be done 
after some efforts and experiences in life!
Mehmil after facing some worst experiences, she avails the opportunity to learn Holy Quran i.e to learn tafseer and understand the message of Holy Quran from its aayat. Then she find solutions directly from Holy Quran.
And here, most of the people think that it does not actually occur every time that whenever a person in trouble, wants solution and guidance from Holy Quran, opens the Holy Quran and exactly find the ayah immediately on first attempt which contain solutions of his/her problem.
But I believe that it occur definitely if you have the complete and proper knowledge and understandings of the messages of Holy Quran.

The reader will also find a tragedy in Mehmil's life , which changes her life completely.
And also that how she grew up and assert herself in that difficult and unmanageable situation by taking guidance and courage to live bravely from the Holy Quran.

I will advice you to read it must and I guarantee you that you will definately get effected by this novel and for atleast one time, want or think to get solutions from the Holy Quran!!
Your time while reading this novel will be real amazing quality time. 😊


  1. Completely agreed..
    Mushaf actually opens mind and help to understand our TRUE relationship with DEEN and the MUSHAF...
    Very well reviewed Aiman ..πŸ‘πŸ‘
    Keep it up dearπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  2. This was also the first novel I've read and experienced
    the same :)
    Also it was the source of strengthening my bond with Qura'an :)
    Best review πŸ‘

  3. Jazakillah fatima and aqsa..

  4. Very nicely writtenπŸ‘Œ

  5. Musaf is one of my favourite novel 😍 i still remember when i was read novel tears roll down on my cheeks due to Khasyat-e-Ilahi 😒😒 can't express my feelings in words about this novel πŸ˜‡ its outstanding πŸ‘πŸ‘

  6. One of the best novel.. Ever gone through.. Nice work..πŸ‘Œ



                                                                                          Another amazing, entranting and one of my fa...